Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association

Working to Keep Our Lakes and Rivers Amazing


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Our Vision and Mission

Vilas County in Wisconsin’s north­woods is a special place — over 1300 lakes and 70 rivers and one of the highest concentrations of fresh inland water on the planet. Whether you come here to live, work or play, chances are you were drawn here by its amazing lakes and rivers. They inspire and connect us – and drive our Vilas County economy!
In fact, the health of our environment and economy depends on the vitality of our natural waters. Achieving a sustainable, vibrant community requires working together to preserve our precious lake and river heritage. That’s what drives our vision of a future where our natural waters are protected and cherished for the high value and quality of life they provide.
Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association was formed 30 years ago with the mission to sustainably preserve, protect, and enhance our lakes and rivers for the benefit of all. We accomplish our mission by working with partner and supporting member families, businesses and lake organizations to foster an informed and engaged community committed to the welfare of our lake and river heritage.

Our approach

Ways we protect Vilas County's natural waters on which our environment and economy depends.


VCLRA works with our partners and supporting member families and lake organizations to advocate for sensible, science-informed policy to protect our natural waters and shorelands. We engage in DNR and town hearings, develop position letters to policy makers, have a presence in key committee meetings and events, and sponsor or co-sponsor scientific research studies that support sound policy.


VCLRA exhibits at local fairs/fests, holds workshop events, distributes two print newsletters annually, maintains a year-round website presence, and offers a speaker's bureau service. Our Blue Heron Stewardship Award raises awareness and showcases excellence in lake-friendly waterfront development. We also developed a shoreland class  for middle schools and award high school scholarships annually.


We assist in the formation of lake associations and districts — the first line of defense for protecting our natural waters — and provide them with support, including training and access to lake and river monitoring equipment. We also develop programs for shoreland and waterways conservation, and sponsor or co-sponsor worthy projects and scientific research studies that support these efforts.

2024 Northwoods Six-County Lakes Meeting

Save the date: Friday, July 12, at Nicolet College. This year's theme is “Protecting Our Waters: We’re All Connected.” The program will include discussion on the connections among water resources and the people who use them, along with presentations on the impacts of climate change.


One of the great strengths of VCLRA is our members, and VCLRA needs your help to grow even stronger. Help support our efforts to keep our lakes and rivers amazing by renewing your membership or joining VCLRA Today!
This year we celebrate VCLRA’s 30th anniversary. Will you consider adding a donation of $30 or more to your membership? Your added support will go a long way in helping us do even more in .
We’re stronger together. Join or renew today and add to our strength!

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